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Happy New Year and Enjoy Some AR&R…

Or Attributable Risk Reduction…

First let me wish you all a fantastic New Year! Last year was crazy and I think this year is looking like it will be more of the same…

So in a previous post called Risky Business: Is It All Relative? we started talking about risk. We agreed that in lay terms a risk is generally associated with a bad event. However, a risk in statistical terms refers simply to the probability (usually statistical probability value between 0 and 1) that an event will occur, whether it be a good or a bad event.

We also defined the risk of “smartphone thumb” as the number of new cases of smartphone thumb (the outcome) in a given period of time divided by the total number of people who own a smartphone (the exposure) and are at risk. This was called the cumulative incidence or absolute risk. Now what if we wanted to compare this risk to people who did not receive a smartphone for their birthday or Christmas for that matter? Let’s look at the results in a contingency table:

So, the absolute risk of smartphone thumb is A/(A+B) and similarly for those sad people without a smartphone their risk is C/(C+D). Now your chances of developing smartphone thumb are not necessarily 0 as maybe you are an avid gamer and play a little too much Xbox on the weekends. The reduction in risk can be expressed as the risk difference (also called the attributable risk reduction – ARR) and can be calculated as RD = A/(A+B) – C/(C+D). We can also estimate the proportion of cases of smartphone thumb among smartphone users that can be attributed to smartphone use by calculating the attributable risk percent: [RD/ A/(A+B)] x 100.

Let’s say 20% of smartphone users develop smartphone thumb whereas only 10% or non-smartphone users do. The RD is then equal to 10% (0.2 – 0.1 *100). The reduction in the chances of experiencing smartphone thumb who own a smartphone is the AR% which in this case is 50% (0.1/0.2*100).

That was easy. What’s next? Well, what if we want to know how many times more likely is it for a smartphone user to develop smartphone thumb than for a non-smartphone user? Let’s talk about that next post.

For now, decompress listening to “Under my Thumb” by the Rolling Stones. Classic…

See you in the blogosphere,

Pascal Tyrrell