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Just in the Nick of Time… Causality.

Now that was a great movie: Interstellar. See the trailer here for a refresher. So this movie talked a lot about worm holes – essentially an area of warped spacetime. Theoretically a worm hole could allow time travel. Want to know more? Grab a large coffee and see here. You may be thinking what all this has to do with medical imaging but, believe it or not, I posted about x-rays in space earlier in the blog (see here).

Listen to Hans Zimmer’s – Time from the movie Inception (another great movie) to get into the mood.

Now, we have been talking about Bradford Hill’s criteria for causality and today we are addressing the fourth one: temporality. The exposure of your association of interest should always precede in time the outcome.  If factor “A” is believed to cause a disease,  then factor “A” must necessarily always precede the occurrence of the disease. So for example the act of smoking (or being exposed to second-hand smoke) must precede the development of lung cancer for the relationship to be considered causal. This is the only absolutely essential criterion (out of nine).

Easy one, right? Next time I will be talking about biological gradient.

I am not sure you need time to decompress today as it has not been too taxing… but listen to Bonnie Raitt Nick of Time anyway…

… and I’ll see you in the blogosphere.

Pascal Tyrrell